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Any other way around this typical BIS fuck up? Being a desperate alternative to overcrowded and prohibitive prisons, offenders are now being sent to EXILE. Some say it adds to their experience, some say it takes away from it.

Has anyone else had a similar issue and possibly knows how to fix it? Place that file in your mission root 3. Members of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization Security Council are forced to react.

- I was under the impression that it would cause the server to tell every client to do it every 5 seconds as well.

Hi every one, long time reader first time poster. To simplify things I'll state an example that every one can follow. I've googled around and searched these forums as well for a while to try and find a detailed example of where different things should be placed. The examples I have been looking at are pretty confusing and don't specify which lines belong on either the client or the server side. Many thanks, - Everon. This post was edited by Everon-V 2013-10-08 13:32, ago What message? Like a message via side chat or? I may be able to help but could you explain a bit more? I assumed and have had it mentioned to me by a few people and now that I've gotten around to it I may have gone about things wrong. So, if a player joins - the client side mission file sends a request to the server to execute a custom function which for example would log that a player has joined and do some things with the data that is sent. I'm not really sure how I can simplify it further. I could be enquiring about the wrong function completely! I've tried to implement it from what I've read on the documentation and google and nothing seems to work. Nothing was shown on screen. I then tried to put that code in to a loop in the server addon and there still wasn't any change. But putting that in to the server's init. I was under the impression that it would cause the server to tell every client to do it every 5 seconds as well. If possible, would you be available to talk about things on Teamspeak? Added 14 hours 58 minutes later: Right! I've finally sorted my issue and I'll post the solution here for any one who comes looking for it. So after to speaking to another developer I finally found what I wanted. The server init file would only be executed by the server it's self running the mission init. I could now call code placed in the server side addon like so. This method can be used to keep sensitive code used for things like a database securely locked away from clients who might use it maliciously. Thread title changed to reflect. This post was edited by Everon-V 2013-10-08 13:31, ago Copyright c 2006 - 2017 Armaholic. Armed Assault, ArmA: Combat Operations, ArmA: Queen's Gambit, Arma 2, Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead, Arma 2: Combined Operations, Arma 2: British Armed Forces, Arma 2: Private Military Company, Arma 2: Army of the Czech Republic, Arma 2: Reinforcements, Arma 2: Firing Range and Arma 3 are trademarks or registered trademarks of Bohemia Interactive a.

Arma 3 : Editing Tutorial Ep4 : Make an NPC talk to you
It's displayed on the screen amongst the combat protocol. This post was edited by Everon-V 2013-10-08 13:31, ago Print c 2006 - 2017 Armaholic. This marker is visible to a selected chat channel e. To simplify things I'll state an example that every one can follow. I've finally sorted my issue and I'll post the solution here for any one who comes looking for it. A el way to test it would be through a hint. This post was edited by Everon-V 2013-10-08 13:31, ago Copyright c 2006 - 2017 Armaholic. Armed Assault, ArmA: Combat Operations, ArmA: Queen's Gambit, Arma 2, Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead, Arma 2: Combined Operations, Arma 2: British Armed Forces, Arma 2: North Military Company, Arma 2: Army of the Czech Republic, Arma 2: Reinforcements, Arma 2: Firing Range and Arma 3 are trademarks or registered trademarks of Bohemia Interactive a. Members of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization Security Council are forced to react.